Ross Driedger
NABC Spring 2014, Dallas
I played this hand with Doug Cote from Woodstock, ON. when we were in Dallas for the 2014 spring nationals. In a regionally rated open pairs, we were playing against someone named, not Jeff or Matt. Jeff's wife Sally is no slouch either. She was playing with the Dutch international, Bob Drijver.
Based on the auction, Sally has to be at least 5-5 in the blacks, so when she shows up with three Diamonds, it is trivial to play the Hearts for three tricks. On the run of the red suits, South is strip-squeezed for 11 tricks.
Bob was very gracious in his compliment.
It was a good result, but not near a top: other tables were opening the East hand a strong NT. Souths made a 2 suited overcall in the blacks and West doubled for penalties. 3C doubled went down 3 on trump leads when North put down an utterly worthless dummy.