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Ross Driedger

Software Developer

London, Ontario, Canada
ross (at) earz (dot) ca

Software Portfolio

There is much I cannot show because previous work has been part of a larger team on commercial software or written for a single client so there are legal issues in showing these. But here are some examples of the code I write for my students.


Collision Detection

Rectangle on Rectangle -- No Rotation

This is the simplest form of collision detection. It is between rectangles that do not rotate using an axis aligned algorithm. The energy held by a rectangle is a product of its area and the square of its speed. By adjusting the coefficient of restitution in the collisions, you can see the system losing energy as it progresses. The collisions are unrealistic because none of the energy is converted into torque regardless of how two rectangles meet

Coefficient of Restitution:

Circle on Circle

Another simple form of collision detection: it is between circles. Upon collision, the model of the two circles undergo a rotational, transformation to align the line of action along the x-axis, the mechanics of the bounce, along with the coefficient of restitution are applied, the new velocities are computed and the model rotates back to its original position. Mass is calculated as the cube of the radius.

Coefficient of Restitution:


Poker Hand Evaluation

This can be found here.


You can find pathfinding there.